1 Chronicles 25:5

     5. Heman the king's seer—The title of "seer" or "prophet of David" is also given to Gad (1Ch 21:9), and to Jeduthun (2Ch 29:14, 15), in the words (Margin, "matters") of God.

      to lift up the horn—that is, to blow loudly in the worship of God; or perhaps it means nothing more than that he presided over the wind instruments, as Jeduthun over the harp. Heman had been appointed at first to serve at Gibeon (1Ch 16:41). But his destination seems to have been changed at a subsequent period.

      God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters—The daughters are mentioned, solely because from their musical taste and talents they formed part of the choir (Ps 68:25).

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