1 Kings 4:29-34

     29. God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart—that is, high powers of mind, great capacity for receieving, as well as aptitude for communicating knowledge.

     30. Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country—that is, the Arabians, Chaldeans, and Persians (Ge 25:6).

      all the wisdom of Egypt—Egypt was renowned as the seat of learning and sciences, and the existing monuments, which so clearly describe the ancient state of society and the arts, show the high culture of the Egyptian people.

     31. wiser than all men—that is, all his contemporaries, either at home or abroad.

      than Ethan—or Jeduthun, of the family of Merari (1Ch 6:44).

      Heman— (1Ch 15:17-19) —the chief of the temple musicians and the king's seers (1Ch 25:5); the other two are not known.

      the sons of Mahol—either another name for Zerah (1Ch 2:6); or taking it as a common noun, signifying a dance, a chorus, "the sons of Mahol" signify persons eminently skilled in poetry and music.

     32. he spake three thousand proverbs—embodying his moral sentiments and sage observations on human life and character.

      songs . . . a thousand and fivePsalm 72, 127, 132, and the Song of Songs are his.

     33. he spake of trees, from the cedar . . . to the hyssop—all plants, from the greatest to the least. The Spirit of God has seen fit to preserve comparatively few memorials of the fruits of his gigantic mind. The greater part of those here ascribed to him have long since fallen a prey to the ravages of time, or perished in the Babylonish captivity, probably because they were not inspired.

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