1 Thessalonians 2:10-12

     10. Ye are witnesses—as to our outward conduct.

      God—as to our inner motives.

      holily—towards God.

      justly—towards men.

      unblamably—in relation to ourselves.

      behaved ourselvesGreek, "were made to be," namely, by God.

      among you that believe—rather, "before (that is, in the eyes of) you that believe"; whatever we may have seemed in the eyes of the unbelieving. As 1Th 2:9 refers to their outward occupation in the world; so 1Th 2:10, to their character among believers.

     11. exhorted and comfortedExhortation leads one to do a thing willingly; consolation, to do it joyfully [BENGEL], (1Th 5:14). Even in the former term, "exhorted," the Greek includes the additional idea of comforting and advocating one's cause: "encouragingly exhorted." Appropriate in this case, as the Thessalonians were in sorrow, both through persecutions, and also through deaths of friends (1Th 4:13).

      charged—"conjured solemnly," literally, "testifying"; appealing solemnly to you before God.

      every one of you—in private (Ac 20:20), as well as publicly. The minister, if he would be useful, must not deal merely in generalities, but must individualize and particularize.

      as a father—with mild gravity. The Greek is, "his own children."

     12. worthy of God—"worthy of the Lord" (Col 1:10); "worthily of the saints" (Ro 16:2, Greek): ". . . of the Gospel" (Php 1:27) ". . . of the vocation wherewith ye are called" (Eph 4:1). Inconsistency would cause God's name to be "blasphemed among the Gentiles" (Ro 2:24). The Greek article is emphatical, "Worthy of THE God who is calling you."

      hath called—So one of the oldest manuscripts and Vulgate. Other oldest manuscripts, "Who calleth us."

      his kingdom—to be set up at the Lord's coming.

      glory—that ye may share His glory (Joh 17:22; Col 3:4).

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