1 Thessalonians 3:10

     10. Night and day—(See on 1Th 2:9). Night is the season for the saint's holiest meditations and prayers (2Ti 1:3).

      praying—connected with, "we joy"; we joy while we pray; or else as ALFORD, What thanks can we render to God while we pray? The Greek implies a beseeching request.

      exceedingly—literally, "more than exceeding abundantly" (compare Eph 3:20).

      that which is lacking—Even the Thessalonians had points in which they needed improvement [BENGEL], (Lu 17:5). Their doctrinal views as to the nearness of Christ's coming, and as to the state of those who had fallen asleep, and their practice in some points, needed correction (1Th 4:1-9). Paul's method was to begin by commending what was praiseworthy, and then to correct what was amiss; a good pattern to all admonishers of others.

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