1 Thessalonians 3:3

     3. moved—"shaken," "disturbed." The Greek is literally said of dogs wagging the tail in fawning on one. Therefore TITTMANN explains it, "That no man should, amidst his calamities, be allured by the flattering hope of a more pleasant life to abandon his duty." So ELSNER and BENGEL, "cajoled out of his faith." In afflictions, relatives and opponents combine with the ease-loving heart itself in flatteries, which it needs strong faith to overcome.

      yourselves know—We always candidly told you so (1Th 3:4; Ac 14:22). None but a religion from God would have held out such a trying prospect to those who should embrace it, and yet succeed in winning converts.


      appointed thereunto—by God's counsel (1Th 5:9).

2 Timothy 1:9

     9. Who . . . called us—namely, God the Father (Ga 1:6). The having "saved us" in His eternal purpose of "grace, given us in Christ before the world began," precedes his actual "calling" of us in due time with a call made effective to us by the Holy Spirit; therefore, "saved us" comes before "called us" (Ro 8:28-30).

      holy calling—the actual call to a life of holiness. Heb 3:1, "heavenly calling" [TITTMANN, Greek Synonyms of the New Testament]; whereas we were sinners and enemies (Eph 1:18; 4:1). The call comes wholly from God and claims us wholly for God. "Holy" implies the separation of believers from the rest of the world unto God.

      not according to—not having regard to our works in His election and calling of grace (Ro 9:11; Eph 2:8, 9).

      his own purpose—The origination of salvation was of His own purpose, flowing from His own goodness, not for works of ours coming first, but wholly because of His own gratuitous, electing love [THEODORET and CALVIN].

      grace . . . given us—in His everlasting purpose, regarded as the same as when actually accomplished in due time.

      in Christ—believers being regarded by God as IN HIM, with whom the Father makes the covenant of salvation (Eph 1:4; 3:11).

      before the world beganGreek, "before the times (periods) of ages"; the enduring ages of which no end is contemplated (1Co 2:7; Eph 3:11).

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