1 Thessalonians 5:24

     24. Faithful—to His covenant promises (Joh 10:27-29; 1Co 1:9; 10:23; Php 1:6).

      he that calleth you—God, the caller of His people, will cause His calling not to fall short of its designed end.

      do it—preserve and present you blameless at the coming of Christ (1Th 5:23; Ro 8:30; 1Pe 5:10). You must not look at the foes before and behind, on the right hand and on the left, but to God's faithfulness to His promises, God's zeal for His honor, and God's love for those whom He calls.

Hebrews 10:23

     23. (Heb 3:6, 14; 4:14.)

      professionGreek, "confession."

      our faith—rather as Greek, "our hope"; which is indeed faith exercised as to the future inheritance. Hope rests on faith, and at the same time quickens faith, and is the ground of our bold confession (1Pe 3:15). Hope is similarly (Heb 10:22) connected with purification (1Jo 3:3).

      without wavering—without declension (Heb 3:14), "steadfast unto the end."

      he—God is faithful to His promises (Heb 6:17, 18; 11:11; 12:26, 28; 1Co 1:9; 10:13; 1Th 5:24; 2Th 3:3; see also Christ's promise, Joh 12:26); but man is too often unfaithful to his duties.

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