2 Corinthians 2:17

     17. not as many— (2Co 11:18; Php 2:21). Rather, "the many," namely, the false teachers of whom he treats (tenth through twelfth chapters, especially 2Co 11:13; 1Th 2:3).

      which corruptGreek, "adulterating, as hucksters do wine for gain" (2Co 4:2; Isa 1:22; 2Pe 2:3, "Make merchandise of you").

      as of sincerity . . . as of God—as one speaking from (out of) sincerity, as from (that is, by the command of, and so in dependence on) God.

      in Christ's—as united to Him in living membership, and doing His work (compare 2Co 12:19). The whole Gospel must be delivered such as it is, without concession to men's corruptions, and without selfish aims, if it is to be blessed with success (Ac 20:27).

Galatians 1:10

     10. For—accounting for the strong language he has just used.

      do I now—resuming the "now" of Ga 1:9. "Am I now persuading men?" [ALFORD], that is, conciliating. Is what I have just now said a sample of men-pleasing, of which I am accused? His adversaries accused him of being an interested flatterer of men, "becoming all things to all men," to make a party for himself, and so observing the law among the Jews (for instance, circumcising Timothy), yet persuading the Gentiles to renounce it (Ga 5:11) (in order to flatter those, really keeping them in a subordinate state, not admitted to the full privileges which the circumcised alone enjoyed). NEANDER explains the "now" thus: Once, when a Pharisee, I was actuated only by a regard to human authority and to please men (Lu 16:15; Joh 5:44), but NOW I teach as responsible to God alone (1Co 4:3).

      or God?—Regard is to be had to God alone.

      for if I yet pleased men—The oldest manuscripts omit "for." "If I were still pleasing men," &c. (Lu 6:26; Joh 15:19; 1Th 2:4; Jas 4:4; 1Jo 4:5). On "yet," compare Ga 5:11.

      servant of Christ—and so pleasing Him in all things (Tit 2:9; Col 3:22).

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