2 Corinthians 4:2

     2. renounced—literally, "bid farewell to."

      of dishonesty—rather, "of shame." "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ" (Ro 1:16). Shame would lead to hiding (2Co 4:3); whereas "we use great plainness of speech" (2Co 3:12); "by manifestation of the truth." Compare 2Co 3:3, "manifestly declared." He refers to the disingenuous artifices of "many" teachers at Corinth (2Co 2:17; 3:1; 11:13-15).

      handling . . . deceitfully—so "corrupt" or adulterate "the word of God" (2Co 2:17; compare 1Th 2:3, 4).

      commending—recommending ourselves: recurring to 2Co 3:1.

      to—to the verdict of.

      every man's conscience— (2Co 5:11). Not to men's carnal judgment, as those alluded to (2Co 3:1).

      in the sight of God— (2Co 2:17; Ga 1:10).

2 Peter 2:3

     3. through, &c.—Greek, "IN covetousness" as their element (2Pe 2:14, end). Contrast 2Co 11:20; 12:17.

      of a long time—in God's eternal purpose. "Before of old ordained to condemnation" (Jude 4).

      lingereth not—though sinners think it lingers; "is not idle."

      damnationGreek, "destruction" (see on 2Pe 2:1). Personified.

      slumbereth not—though sinners slumber.

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