2 Corinthians 7:7

     7. when he told usGreek, "telling us." We shared in the comfort which Titus felt in recording your desire (2Co 7:13). He rejoiced in telling the news; we in hearing them [ALFORD].

      earnest desireGreek, "longing desire," namely, to see me [GROTIUS]; or, in general, towards me, to please me.

      mourning—over your own remissness in not having immediately punished the sin (1Co 5:1, &c.) which called forth my rebuke.

      fervent mindGreek, "zeal" (compare 2Co 7:11; Joh 2:17).

      toward meGreek, "for me"; for my sake. They in Paul's behalf showed the zeal against the sin which Paul would have shown had he been present.

      rejoiced the more—more than before, at the mere coming of Titus.

2 Corinthians 7:9

     9. Now I rejoice—Whereas "I did repent" or regret having made you sorry by my letter, I rejoice NOW, not that ye were caused sorrow, but that your sorrow resulted in your repentance.

      ye sorrowed—rather, as before, "ye were made sorry."

      after a godly manner—literally, "according to God," that is, your sorrow having regard to God, and rendering your mind conformable to God (Ro 14:22; 1Pe 4:6).

      that—Translate in Greek order, "to the end that (compare 2Co 11:9) ye might in nothing receive damage from us," which ye would have received, had your sorrow been other than that "after a godly manner" (2Co 7:10).

2 Corinthians 7:16

     16. therefore—omitted in the oldest manuscripts. The conclusion is more emphatical without it.

      that I have confidence in you in all things—rather, as Greek, "that in everything I am of good courage concerning (literally, 'in the case of') you," as contrasted with my former doubts concerning you.

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