2 Corinthians 8:11

     11. perform—"complete the doing also" (see on 2Co 8:10).

      a readiness to willGreek, "the readiness of will"; referring to 2Co 8:10, where the Greek for "to be forward," ought to be translated as here, "to will."

      performance—"completion" [ALFORD], The godly should show the same zeal to finish, as well as to begin well, which the worldly exhibit in their undertakings (Jer 44:25).

2 Corinthians 9:5

     5. that they would go before—Translate, "that they should," &c.

      whereof ye had notice before—rather, "promised before"; "long announced by me to the Macedonians" (2Co 9:2) [BENGEL]. "Your promised bounty" [ELLICOTT and others].

      not as of covetousness—Translate, "not as matter of covetousness," which it would be, if you gave niggardly.

2 Corinthians 9:7

     7. according as he purposeth in his heart—Let the full consent of the free will go with the gift [ALFORD]. Opposed to "of necessity," as "grudgingly" is opposed to "a cheerful giver" (Pr 22:9; 11:25; Isa 32:8).

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