2 Corinthians 9:13

     13. by—through occasion of.

      experiment—Translate, "the experience" [ELLICOTT and others]. Or, "the experimental proof" of your Christian character, afforded by "this ministration."

      they—the recipients.

      for your professed subjectionGreek, "for the subjection of your profession"; that is, your subjection in accordance with your profession, in relation to the Gospel. Ye yield yourselves in willing subjection to the Gospel precepts, evinced in acts, as well as in profession.

      your liberal distributionGreek, "the liberality of your contribution in relation to them," &c.

Galatians 6:6

     6. From the mention of bearing one another's burdens, he passes to one way in which those burdens may be borne—by ministering out of their earthly goods to their spiritual teachers. The "but" in the Greek, beginning of this verse, expresses this: I said, Each shall bear his own burden; BUT I do not intend that he should not think of others, and especially of the wants of his ministers.

      communicate unto him—"impart a share unto his teacher": literally, "him that teacheth catechetically."

      in all good things—in every kind of the good things of this life, according as the case may require (Ro 15:27; 1Co 9:11, 14).

Hebrews 13:16

     16. But—But the sacrifice of praise with the lips (Heb 13:15) is not enough; there must be also doing good (beneficence) and communicating (that is, imparting a share of your means, Ga 6:6) to the needy.

      with such—and not mere ritualistic sacrifices.

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