2 Kings 18:14

     14-16. Hezekiah . . . sent to Lachish, saying, . . . that which thou puttest on me will I bear—Disappointed in his expectations of aid from Egypt, and feeling himself unable to resist so mighty a conqueror who was menacing Jerusalem itself, Hezekiah made his submission. The payment of 300 talents of silver, and 30 talents of gold—£351,000—brought a temporary respite; but, in raising the imposed tribute, he was obliged not only to drain all the treasures of the palace and the temple, but even to strip the doors and pillars of the sacred edifice of the gold that adorned them.


2 Kings 18:18

     18. when they had called to the king—Hezekiah did not make a personal appearance, but commissioned his three principal ministers to meet the Assyrian deputies at a conference outside the city walls.

      Eliakim—lately promoted to be master of the royal household (Isa 22:20).

      Shebna—removed for his pride and presumption (Isa 22:15) from that office, though still royal secretary.

      Joah . . . the recorder—that is, the keeper of the chronicles, an important office in Eastern countries.

2 Kings 18:37

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