2 Kings 23:12

     12. the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz—Altars were reared on the flat roofs of houses, where the worshippers of "the host of heaven" burnt incense (Zep 1:5; Jer 19:13). Ahaz had reared altars for this purpose on the oleah, or upper chamber of his palace, and Manasseh on some portion of the roof of the temple. Josiah demolished both of these structures.

2 Chronicles 33:5

Jeremiah 19:13

     13. shall be defiled—with dead bodies (Jer 19:12; 2Ki 23:10).

      because of all the houses—Rather, (explanatory of the previous "the houses . . . and . . . houses"), "even all the houses," &c. [CALVIN].

      roofs—being flat, they were used as high places for sacrifices to the sun and planets (Jer 32:29; 2Ki 23:11, 12; Zep 1:5). The Nabateans, south and east of the Dead Sea, a nation most friendly to the Jews, according to STRABO, had the same usage.

Zephaniah 1:5

     5. worship the host of heavenSaba: whence, in contrast to Sabeanism, Jehovah is called Lord of Sabaoth.

      upon the housetops—which were flat (2Ki 23:5, 6, 12; Jer 19:13; 32:29).

      swear by the Lord—rather, "swear to JEHOVAH" (2Ch 15:14); solemnly dedicating themselves to Him (compare Isa 48:1; Ho 4:15).

      and—"and yet (with strange inconsistency, 1Ki 18:21; Eze 20:39; Mt 6:24) swear by Malcham," that is, "their king" [MAURER]: the same as Molech (see on Am 5:25), and "Milcom the god of . . . Ammon" (1Ki 11:33). If Satan have half the heart, he will have all; if the Lord have but half offered to Him, He will have none.

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