2 Peter 1:8

     8. beGreek, "subsist" that is, supposing these things to have an actual subsistence in you; "be" would express the mere matter-of-fact being (Ac 16:20).

      aboundmore than in others; so the Greek.

      make—"render," "constitute you," habitually, by the very fact of possessing these graces.

      barren—"inactive," and, as a field lying fallow and unworked (Greek), so barren and useless.

      unfruitful in—rather, . . . in respect to, "The full knowledge (Greek) of Christ" is the goal towards which all these graces tend. As their subsisting in us constitutes us not barren or idle, so their abounding in us constitutes us not unfruitful in respect to it. It is through doing His will, and so becoming like Him, that we grow in knowing Him (Joh 7:17).

2 Peter 2:20

     20. after theythe seducers "themselves" have escaped (2Pe 2:19; see on Heb 6:4-6).

      pollutions—which bring "corruption" (2Pe 2:19).

      throughGreek, "in."

      knowledgeGreek, "full and accurate knowledge."

      the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ—solemnly expressing in full the great and gracious One from whom they fall.

      latter end is worse . . . than the beginning—Peter remembers Christ's words. "Worse" stands opposed to "better" (2Pe 2:21).

2 Peter 3:18

     18. grow—Not only do not "fall from" (2Pe 3:17), but grow onward: the true secret of not going backward. Eph 4:15, "Grow up into Him, the Head, Christ."

      grace and . . . knowledge of . . . Christ—"the grace and knowledge of Christ" [ALFORD rightly]: the grace of which Christ is the author, and the knowledge of which Christ is the object.

      for everGreek, "to the day of eternity": the day that has no end: "the day of the Lord," beginning with the Lord's coming.

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