2 Thessalonians 1:12

     12. the name of our Lord Jesus—Our Lord Jesus in His manifested personality as the God-man.

      in you, and ye in him—reciprocal glorification; compare Isa 28:5, "The Lord of hosts shall be . . . a crown of glory and . . . a diadem of beauty unto . . . His people," with Isa 62:3, "Thou (Zion) shalt be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem," &c. (Joh 21:10; Ga 1:24; 1Pe 4:14). The believer's graces redound to Christ's glory, and His glory, as their Head, reflects glory on them as the members.

      the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ—There is but one Greek article to both, implying the inseparable unity of God and the Lord Jesus.

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