Acts 10:34

     34, 35. Peter opened his mouth—(See on Mt 5:2).

      Of a truth I perceive—that is, "I have it now demonstrated before mine eyes."

      that God is no respecter of persons—Not, "I see there is no capricious favoritism with God," for Peter would never imagine such a thing; but (as the next clause shows), "I see that God has respect only to personal character and state in the acceptance of men, national and ecclesiastical distinctions being of no account."

Romans 2:11

James 2:1

     1. brethren—The equality of all Christians as "brethren," forms the groundwork of the admonition.

      the faith of . . . Christ—that is, the Christian faith. James grounds Christian practice on Christian faith.

      the Lord of glory—So 1Co 2:8. As all believers, alike rich and poor, derive all their glory from their union with Him, "the Lord of glory," not from external advantages of worldly fortune, the sin in question is peculiarly inconsistent with His "faith." BENGEL, making no ellipsis of "the Lord," explains "glory" as in apposition with Christ who is THE GLORY (Lu 2:32); the true Shekinah glory of the temple (Ro 9:4). English Version is simpler. The glory of Christ resting on the poor believer should make him be regarded as highly by "brethren" as his richer brother; nay, more so, if the poor believer has more of Christ's spirit than the rich brother.

      with respect of persons—literally, "in respectings of persons"; "in" the practice of partial preferences of persons in various ways and on various occasions.

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