Acts 14:15

     15. We . . . are men of like passions, &c.—How unlike either imposture or enthusiasm is this, and how high above all self-seeking do these men of Christ show themselves to be!

      unto the living God—This is the most glorious and distinctive of all the names of God. It is the familiar phraseology of the Old Testament. which, in such contrast with all that is to be found within the literature of heathenism, is shown to be, with its sequel, the New Testament, the one Book of the true religion.

      who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all . . . therein—This idea of creation, utterly unknown alike to rude and to cultivated heathenism, would not only define what was meant by "the living God," but open up a new world to the more thoughtful part of the audience.

Romans 1:21

     21. Because that, when they knew God—that is, while still retaining some real knowledge of Him, and ere they sank down into the state next to be described.

      they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful—neither yielded the adoration due to Himself, nor rendered the gratitude which His beneficence demanded.

      but became vain—(compare Jer 2:5).

      in their imaginations—thoughts, notions, speculations, regarding God; compare Mt 15:19; Lu 2:35; 1Co 3:20, Greek.

      and their foolish—"senseless," "stupid."

      heart—that is, their whole inner man.

      was darkened—How instructively is the downward progress of the human soul here traced!

Ephesians 4:17

     17. therefore—resuming the exhortation which he had begun with, "I therefore beseech you that ye walk worthy," &c. (Eph 4:1).

      testify in the Lord—in whom (as our element) we do all things pertaining to the ministry (1Th 4:1 [ALFORD]; Ro 9:1).

      henceforth . . . notGreek, "no longer"; resumed from Eph 4:14.

      otherGreek, "the rest of the Gentiles."

      in the vanity, &c.—as their element: opposed to "in the Lord." "Vanity of mind" is the waste of the rational powers on worthless objects, of which idolatry is one of the more glaring instances. The root of it is departure from the knowledge of the true God (Eph 4:18, 19; Ro 1:21; 1Th 4:5).

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