Acts 15:14-17

     14-17. Simeon—a Hebrew variation of Simon, as in 2Pe 1:1; (Greek), the Jewish and family name of Peter.

      hath declared how God at the first—answering to Peter's own expression "a good while ago" (Ac 15:7).

      did visit the Gentiles to take out of them—in the exercise of His adorable sovereignty.

      a people for his name—the honor of his name, or for His glory.

     15. to this agree the words of the prophets—generally; but those of Amos (Am 9:11) are specified (nearly as in the Septuagint version). The point of the passage lies in the predicted purpose of God, under the new economy, that "the heathen" or "Gentiles" should be "called by His name," or have "His name called upon them." By the "building again of the fallen tabernacle of David," or restoring its decayed splendor, is meant that only and glorious recovery which it was to experience under David's "son and Lord."

     14-17. Simeon—a Hebrew variation of Simon, as in 2Pe 1:1; (Greek), the Jewish and family name of Peter.

      hath declared how God at the first—answering to Peter's own expression "a good while ago" (Ac 15:7).

      did visit the Gentiles to take out of them—in the exercise of His adorable sovereignty.

      a people for his name—the honor of his name, or for His glory.

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