Acts 15:25-26

     25. our beloved Barnabas and Paul—Barnabas is put first here, and in Ac 15:12, on account of his former superior position in the church at Jerusalem (see Ac 9:27; 11:22) —an evidence this that we have the document precisely as written, as also of the credibility of this precious history.

     26. Men that have hazarded—literally, "rendered up," as in will they did.

      their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ—Noble testimony to those beloved men! It was doubtless prompted more immediately by the narrative they had just listened to from their own lips (Ac 15:12), and judiciously inserted in this letter, to give them the highest weight as the bearers of it, along with their own deputies.

      Judas and Silas . . . shall tell you the same . . . by mouth—Mark here how considerate and tender it was to send men who would be able to say of Barnabas and Paul what could not be expected to come from themselves.

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