Acts 19:35

     35-41. when the town-clerk—keeper of the public archives, and a magistrate of great authority.

      had appeased—"calmed."

      the people—"the multitude," which the very presence of such an officer would go far to do.

      he said . . . what man . . . knoweth not that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana—literally, the neocoros or "warden." The word means "temple-sweeper"; then, "temple-guardian." Thirteen cities of Asia had an interest in the temple, but Ephesus was honored with the charge of it. (Various cities have claimed this title with reference to the Virgin or certain saints) [WEBSTER and WILKINSON].

      and of the image which fell down from Jupiter—"from the sky" or "from heaven." See on Ac 19:27. "With this we may compare various legends concerning images and pictures in the Romish Church, such as the traditional likenesses of Christ, which were said to be "not made with hands"" [WEBSTER and WILKINSON].

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