Acts 4:1-13

     1-12. the captain—of the Levitical guard.

      of the temple—annoyed at the disturbance created around it.

      and the Sadducees—who "say that there is no resurrection" (Ac 23:8), irritated at the apostles "preaching through (rather, 'in') Jesus the resurrection from the dead"; for the resurrection of Christ, if a fact, effectually overthrew the Sadducean doctrine.

     4. the number of the men—or males, exclusive of women; though the word sometimes includes both.

      about five thousand—and this in Jerusalem, where the means of detecting the imposture or crushing the fanaticism, if such it had been, were within everyone's reach, and where there was every inducement to sift it to the bottom.

     5. their rulers, &c.—This was a regular meeting of the Sanhedrim (see on Mt 2:4).

     6. Annas . . . and Caiaphas—(See on Lu 3:2).

      John and Alexander—of whom nothing is known.

     7. By what power or . . . name have ye done this—thus admitting the reality of the miracle, which afterwards they confess themselves unable to deny (Ac 4:16).

     8. Then, filled with the Holy Ghost, said—(See Mr 13:11; Lu 21:15).

     1-12. the captain—of the Levitical guard.

      of the temple—annoyed at the disturbance created around it.

      and the Sadducees—who "say that there is no resurrection" (Ac 23:8), irritated at the apostles "preaching through (rather, 'in') Jesus the resurrection from the dead"; for the resurrection of Christ, if a fact, effectually overthrew the Sadducean doctrine.

     10. Be it known unto you . . . and to all the people of Israel—as if emitting a formal judicial testimony to the entire nation through its rulers now convened.

      by the name of Jesus, &c.—(See on Ac 3:13, &c.).

      even by him doth this man stand before you whole—for from Ac 4:14 it appears that the healed man was at that moment before their eyes.

     11. This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, &c.—This application of Ps 118:22, already made by our Lord Himself before some of the same "builders" (Mt 21:42), is here repeated with peculiar propriety after the deed of rejection had been consummated, and the rejected One had, by His exaltation to the right hand of the Majesty on high, become "the head of the corner."

     12. Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved—How sublimely does the apostle, in these closing words, shut up these rulers of Israel to Jesus for salvation, and in what universal and emphatic terms does he hold up his Lord as the one Hope of men!

     13-17. perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men—that is, uninstructed in the learning of the Jewish schools, and of the common sort; men in private life, untrained to teaching.

      took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus—recognized them as having been in His company; remembering possibly, that they had seen them with Him [MEYER, BLOOMFIELD, ALFORD]; but, more probably, perceiving in their whole bearing what identified them with Jesus: that is, "We thought we had got rid of Him; but lo! He reappears in these men, and all that troubled us in the Nazarene Himself has yet to be put down in these His disciples." What a testimony to these primitive witnesses! Would that the same could be said of their successors!

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