Colossians 4:13

     13. a great zeal—The oldest manuscripts and Vulgate have "much labor."

      for you—lest you should be seduced (Col 2:4); a motive why you should be anxious for yourselves.

      them that are in Laodicea . . . Hierapolis—churches probably founded by Epaphras, as the Church in Colosse was. Laodicea, called from Laodice, queen of Antiochus II, on the river Lycus, was, according to the subscription to First Timothy, "the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana" (1Ti 6:21). All the three cities were destroyed by an earthquake in A.D. 62 [TACITUS, Annals, 14.27]. Hierapolis was six Roman miles north of Laodicea.

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