Daniel 8:12

     12. an host—rather, "the host was given up to him," that is, the holy people were given into his hands. So in Da 8:10 "the host" is used; and again in Da 8:13, where also "give" is used as here for "giving up" for destruction (compare Da 11:6) [MAURER].

      against . . . daily sacrifice—rather (the host was given up for him to tread upon), "together with the daily sacrifice" (compare Da 8:13).

      by reason of transgression1 Maccabees 1:11-16 traces all the calamities suffered under Antiochus to the transgression of certain Jews who introduced heathen customs into Jerusalem just before. But transgression was not at the full (Da 8:23) under Antiochus; for Onias the high priest administered the laws in godliness at the time (2 Maccabees 3:1). Therefore the "transgression" must refer to that of the Jews hereafter restored to Palestine in unbelief.

      the truth—the worship of the true God. Isa 59:14, "Truth is fallen in the street."

      practised, and prospered—Whatever he undertook succeeded (Da 8:4; 11:28, 36).

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