Deuteronomy 32:21

     21. those which are not a people—that is, not favored with such great and peculiar privileges as the Israelites (or, rather poor, despised heathens). The language points to the future calling of the Gentiles.

Romans 10:19

     19. But I say, Did not Israel know?—know, from their own Scriptures, of God's intention to bring in the Gentiles?

      First—that is First in the prophetic line [DE WETTE].

      Moses saith, &c.—"I will provoke you to jealousy ('against') [them that are] not a nation, and against a nation without understanding will I anger you" (De 32:21). In this verse God warns His ancient people that because they had (that is, in aftertimes would) moved Him to jealousy with their "no-gods," and provoked Him to anger with their vanities, He in requital would move them to jealousy by receiving into His favor a "no-people," and provoke them to anger by adopting a nation void of understanding.

Romans 11:20

     20. Well—"Be it so, but remember that"

      because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest—not as a Gentile, but solely

      by faith—But as faith cannot live in those "whose soul is lifted up" (Hab 2:4).

      Be not high-minded, but fear— (Pr 28:14; Php 2:12):

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