Deuteronomy 33:12

     12. of Benjamin he said—A distinguishing favor was conferred on this tribe in having its portion assigned near the temple of God.

      between his shoulders—that is, on his sides or borders. Mount Zion, on which stood the city of Jerusalem, belonged to Judah; but Mount Moriah, the site of the sacred edifice, lay in the confines of Benjamin.

Deuteronomy 33:27

     26-29. There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun—The chapter concludes with a congratulatory address to Israel on their peculiar happiness and privilege in having Jehovah for their God and protector.

      who rideth upon the heaven in thy help—an evident allusion to the pillar of cloud and fire, which was both the guide and shelter of Israel.

Psalms 37:24

     23, 24. steps—way, or, "course of life"; as ordered by God, failures will not be permanent.

Isaiah 41:16

     16. fan—winnowed (compare Mt 3:12).

      whirlwind . . . scatter them— (Job 27:21; 30:22).

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