Ezekiel 2:2

     2. spirit entered . . . when he spake—The divine word is ever accompanied by the Spirit (Ge 1:2, 3).

      set . . . upon . . . feet—He had been "upon his face" (Eze 1:28). Humiliation on our part is followed by exaltation on God's part (Eze 3:23, 24; Job 22:29; Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5). "On the feet" was the fitting attitude when he was called on to walk and work for God (Eph 5:8; 6:15).

      that I heard—rather, "then I heard."

Ezekiel 3:24

     24. set me upon my feet—having been previously prostrate and unable to rise until raised by the divine power.

      shut thyself within . . . house—implying that in the work he had to do, he must look for no sympathy from man but must be often alone with God and draw his strength from Him [FAIRBAIRN]. "Do not go out of thy house till I reveal the future to thee by signs and words," which God does in the following chapters, down to the eleventh. Thus a representation was given of the city shut up by siege [GROTIUS]. Thereby God proved the obedience of His servant, and Ezekiel showed the reality of His call by proceeding, not through rash impulse, but by the directions of God [CALVIN].

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