Ezekiel 27:23-24

     23. Haran—the dwelling-place of Abraham in Mesopotamia, after he moved from Ur (Ge 11:31).

      Canneh—Calneh, an Assyrian city on the Tigris; the Ctesiphon of the Greeks (Ge 10:10).

      Eden—probably a region in Babylonia (see Ge 2:8).

      Chilmad—a compound; the place designated by PTOLEMY "Gaala of Media." The Chaldee version interprets it of Media. HENDERSON refers it to Carmanda, which XENOPHON describes as a large city beyond the Euphrates.

     24. all sorts of thingsHebrew, "perfections"; exquisite articles of finery [GROTIUS].

      clothes—rather, "mantles" or "cloaks"; literally, "wrappings." For "blue," HENDERSON translates, "purple."

      chests of rich apparel, bound with cords—treasures or repositories of damask stuffs, consisting of variegated threads woven together in figures [HENDERSON].

      cedar—The "chests" were made of cedar, in order to last the longer; and it also keeps off decay and has a sweet odor.

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