Ezekiel 32:21

     21. (Eze 31:16). Ezekiel has before his eyes Isa 14:9, &c.

      shall speak to him—with "him" join "with them that help him"; shall speak to him and his helpers with a taunting welcome, as now one of themselves.

Ezekiel 32:23-24

     23. in the sides of the pit—Sepulchres in the East were caves hollowed out of the rock, and the bodies were laid in niches formed at the sides. MAURER needlessly departs from the ordinary meaning, and translates, "extremities" (compare Isa 14:13, 15).

      which caused terror—They, who alive were a terror to others, are now, in the nether world, themselves a terrible object to behold.

     24. Elam—placed next, as having been an auxiliary to Assyria. Its territory lay in Persia. In Abraham's time an independent kingdom (Ge 14:1). Famous for its bowmen (Isa 22:6).

      borne their shame—the just retribution of their lawless pride. Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 49:34-38).

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