Galatians 6:12-13

     12. Contrast between his zeal in their behalf, implied in Ga 6:11, and the zeal for self on the part of the Judaizers.

      make a fair show— (2Co 5:12).

      in the flesh—in outward things.

      they—it is "these" who

      constrain you—by example (Ga 6:13) and importuning.

      only lest—"only that they may not," &c. (compare Ga 5:11).

      suffer persecution—They escaped in a great degree the Jews' bitterness against Christianity and the offense of the cross of Christ, by making the Mosaic law a necessary preliminary; in fact, making Christian converts into Jewish proselytes.

     13. Translate, "For not even do they who submit to circumcision, keep the law themselves (Ro 2:17-23), but they wish you (emphatical) to be circumcised," &c. They arbitrarily selected circumcision out of the whole law, as though observing it would stand instead of their non-observance of the rest of the law.

      that they may glory in your flesh—namely, in the outward change (opposed to an inward change wrought by the SPIRIT) which they have effected in bringing you over to their own Jewish-Christian party.

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