Genesis 48:15

Psalms 80:1

     1, 2. Joseph—for Ephraim (1Ch 7:20-29; Ps 78:67; Re 7:8), for Israel.

      Shepherd—(Compare Ge 49:24).

      leadest, &c.— (Ps 77:20).

      dwellest . . . cherubim— (Ex 25:20); the place of God's visible glory, whence He communed with the people (Heb 9:5).

      shine forth—appear (Ps 50:2; 94:1).

Isaiah 40:11

     11. feed—including all a shepherd's care—"tend" (Eze 34:23; Ps 23:1; Heb 13:20; 1Pe 2:25).

      carry—applicable to Messiah's restoration of Israel, as sheep scattered in all lands, and unable to move of themselves to their own land (Ps 80:1; Jer 23:3). As Israel was "carried from the womb" (that is, in its earliest days) (Isa 63:9, 11, 12; Ps 77:20), so it shall be in "old age" (that is, its latter days) (Isa 46:3, 4).

      gently lead—as a thoughtful shepherd does the ewes "giving suck" (Margin) (Ge 33:13, 14).

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