Genesis 8:22

     22. While the earth remaineth—The consummation, as intimated in 2Pe 3:7, does not frustrate a promise which held good only during the continuance of that system. There will be no flood between this and that day, when the earth therein shall be burnt up [CHALMERS].

Psalms 74:16-17

     16, 17. The fixed orders of nature and bounds of earth are of God.

Jeremiah 31:35-36

     35. divideth . . . sea when . . . waves . . . roar . . . Lord of hosts . . . name—quoted from Isa 51:15, the genuineness of which passage is thus established on Jeremiah's authority.

     36. a nation—Israel's national polity has been broken up by the Romans. But their preservation as a distinct people amidst violent persecutions, though scattered among all nations for eighteen centuries, unamalgamated, whereas all other peoples under such circumstances have become incorporated with the nations in which they have been dispersed, is a perpetual standing miracle (compare Jer 33:20; Ps 148:6; Isa 54:9, 10).

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