Hebrews 7:12

     12. For—the reason why Paul presses the words "after the order of Melchisedec" in Ps 110:4, namely, because these presuppose a change or transference of the priesthood, and this carries with it a change also of the law (which is inseparably bound up with the priesthood, both stand and fall together, Heb 7:11). This is his answer to those who might object, What need was there of a new covenant?

Hebrews 7:18

     18. there isGreek, "there takes place," according to Ps 110:4.

      disannuling—a repealing.

      of the commandment—ordaining the Levitical priesthood. And, as the Levitical priesthood and the law are inseparably joined, since the former is repealed, the latter is so also (see on Heb 7:11).

      going before—the legal ordinance introducing and giving place to the Christian, the antitypical and permanent end of the former.

      weakness and unprofitableness—The opposite of "power" (Heb 7:16).

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