Hosea 8:11

     11. God in righteous retribution gives them up to their own way; the sin becomes its own punishment (Pr 1:31).

      many altars—in opposition to God's law (De 12:5, 6, 13, 14).

      to sin . . . to sin—Their altars which were "sin" (whatever religious intentions they might plead) should be treated as such, and be the source of their punishment (1Ki 12:30; 13:34).

Hosea 10:1

     1. empty—stripped of its fruits [CALVIN], (Na 2:2); compelled to pay tribute to Pul (2Ki 15:20). MAURER translates, "A widespreading vine"; so the Septuagint. Compare Ge 49:22; Ps 80:9-11; Eze 17:6.

      bringeth forth fruit unto himself—not unto ME.

      according to . . . multitude of . . . fruit . . . increased . . . altars—In proportion to the abundance of their prosperity, which called for fruit unto God (compare Ro 6:22), was the abundance of their idolatry (Ho 8:4, 11).

Hosea 10:4

     4. words—mere empty words.

      swearing falsely in making a covenant—breaking their engagement to Shalmaneser (2Ki 17:4), and making a covenant with So, though covenants with foreigners were forbidden.

      judgment . . . as hemlock—that is, divine judgment shall spring up as rank, and as deadly, as hemlock in the furrows (De 29:18; Am 5:7; 6:12). GESENIUS translates, "poppy." GROTIUS, "darnel."

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