Isaiah 1:15-16

     15. (Ps 66:18; Pr 28:9; La 3:43, 44).

      spread . . . hands—in prayer (1Ki 8:22). Hebrew, "bloods," for all heinous sins, persecution of God's servants especially (Mt 23:35). It was the vocation of the prophets to dispel the delusion, so contrary to the law itself (De 10:16), that outward ritualism would satisfy God.

     16. God saith to the sinner, "Wash you," &c., that he, finding his inability to "make" himself "clean," may cry to God, Wash me, cleanse me (Ps 51:2, 7, 10).

      before mine eyes—not mere outward reformation before man's eyes, who cannot, as God, see into the heart (Jer 32:19).

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