Isaiah 10:12

     12. whole work—His entire plan is regard to the punishment of the Jews (Isa 10:5-7).

      Zion—the royal residence, the court, princes and nobles; as distinguished from "Jerusalem," the people in general.

      fruit—the result of, that is, the plants emanating from.

      stoutHebrew, "greatness of," that is, pride of.


Isaiah 33:1

     1. and thou—that is, though thou wast not spoiled—though thou wast not dealt treacherously with (see on Isa 24:16), thy spoiling and treachery are therefore without excuse, being unprovoked.

      cease—When God has let thee do thy worst, in execution of His plans, thine own turn shall come (compare Isa 10:12; 14:2; Hab 2:8; Re 13:10).

Zechariah 10:5

     5. riders on horses—namely, the enemy's horsemen. Though the Jews were forbidden by the law to multiply horses in battle (De 17:16), they are made Jehovah's war horse (Zec 10:3; Ps 20:7), and so tread down on foot the foe with all his cavalry (Eze 38:4; Da 11:40). Cavalry was the chief strength of the Syro-Grecian army (1 Maccabees 3:39).

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