Isaiah 11:11

     11. set . . . hand—take in hand the work. Therefore the coming restoration of the Jews is to be distinct from that after the Babylonish captivity, and yet to resemble it. The first restoration was literal, therefore so shall the second be; the latter, however, it is implied here, shall be much more universal than the former (Isa 43:5-7; 49:12, 17, 18; Eze 37:21; Ho 3:5; Am 9:14, 15; Mic 4:6, 7; Zep 3:19, 20; Zec 10:10; Jer 23:8). As to the "remnant" destined by God to survive the judgments on the nation, compare Jer 46:28.

      Pathros—one of the three divisions of Egypt, Upper Egypt.

      Cush—either Ethiopia, south of Egypt, now Abyssinia, or the southern parts of Arabia, along the Red Sea.

      Elam—Persia, especially the southern part of it now called Susiana.

      Shinar—Babylonian Mesopotamia, the plain between the Euphrates and the Tigris: in it Babel was begun (Ge 10:10). In the Assyrian inscriptions RAWLINSON distinguishes three periods: (1) The Chaldean; from 2300 B.C. to 1500, in which falls Chedorlaomer (Ge 14:1-17), called in the cuneiform characters Kudur of Hur, or Ur of the Chaldees, and described as the conqueror of Syria. The seat of the first Chaldean empire was in the south, towards the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates. (2) The Assyrian, down to 625 B.C. (3) The Babylonian, from 625 to 538 B.C., when Babylon was taken by the Persian Cyrus.

      islands of . . . sea—the far western regions beyond the sea [JEROME].

Isaiah 20:6

     6. isle—that is, coast on the Mediterranean—Philistia, perhaps Ph nicia (compare Isa 23:2; 11:11; 13:22; Ps 72:10).

      we—emphatical; if Egypt, in which we trusted, was overcome, how shall we, a small weak state, escape?

Jeremiah 25:22

     22. all the kings of Tyrus—the petty kings of the various dependencies of Tyre.

      isles—a term including all maritime regions (Ps 72:10).

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