Isaiah 14:1-2

     1. choose—"set His choice upon." A deliberate predilection [HORSLEY]. Their restoration is grounded on their election (see Ps 102:13-22).

      strangers—proselytes (Es 8:17; Ac 2:10; 17:4, 17). TACITUS, a heathen [Histories, 5.5], attests the fact of numbers of the Gentiles having become Jews in his time. An earnest of the future effect on the heathen world of the Jews' spiritual restoration (Isa 60:4, 5, 10; Mic 5:7; Zec 14:16; Ro 11:12).

     2. the people—of Babylon, primarily. Of the whole Gentile world ultimately (Isa 49:22; 66:20; 60:9).

      their place—Judea (Ezr 1:1-6).

      possess—receive in possession.

      captives—not by physical, but by moral might; the force of love, and regard to Israel's God (Isa 60:14).

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