Isaiah 15:2

Jeremiah 16:6

     6. cut themselves—indicating extravagant grief (Jer 41:5; 47:5), prohibited by the law (Le 19:28).

      bald— (Jer 7:29; Isa 22:12).

Jeremiah 41:5

     5. beards shaven, &c.—indicating their deep sorrow at the destruction of the temple and city.

      cut themselves—a heathen custom, forbidden (Le 19:27, 28; De 14:1). These men were mostly from Samaria, where the ten tribes, previous to their deportation, had fallen into heathen practices.

      offerings—unbloody. They do not bring sacrificial victims, but "incense," &c., to testify their piety.

      house of . . . Lord—that is, the place where the house of the Lord had stood (2Ki 25:9). The place in which a temple had stood, even when it had been destroyed, was held sacred [PAPINIAN]. Those "from Shiloh" would naturally seek the house of the Lord, since it was at Shiloh it originally was set up (Jos 18:1).

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