Isaiah 17:13-14

     13. shall . . . shall—rather, "God rebuketh (Ps 9:5) them, and they flee—are chased"; the event is set before the eyes as actually present, not future.

      chaff of . . . mountains—Threshing floors in the East are in the open air on elevated places, so as to catch the wind which separates the chaff from the wheat (Ps 88:13; Ho 13:3).

      rolling thing—anything that rolls: stubble.

     14. eventide . . . before morning—fulfilled to the letter in the destruction "before morning" of the vast host that "at eveningtide" was such a terror ("trouble") to Judah; on the phrase see Ps 90:6; 30:5.

      he is not—namely, the enemy.

      us—the Jews. A general declaration of the doom that awaits the foes of God's people (Isa 54:17).

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