Isaiah 2:3-4

     3. If the curse foretold against Israel has been literally fulfilled, so shall the promised blessing be literal. We Gentiles must not, while giving them the curse, deny them their peculiar blessing by spiritualizing it. The Holy Ghost shall be poured out for a general conversion then (Jer 50:5; Zec 8:21, 23; Joe 2:28).

      from Jerusalem— (Lu 24:47) an earnest of the future relations of Jerusalem to Christendom (Ro 11:12, 15).

     4. judge—as a sovereign umpire, settling all controversies (compare Isa 11:4). LOWTH translates "work," "conviction."

      plowshares—in the East resembling a short sword (Isa 9:6, 7; Zec 9:10).

Isaiah 11:4

     4. judge—see that impartial justice is done them. "Judge" may mean here "rule," as in Ps 67:4.

      reprove—or, "argue"; "decide." But LOWTH, "work conviction in."

      earth—Compare with Mt 5:5, and Re 11:15.

      earth—its ungodly inhabitants, answering to "the wicked" in the parallel, and in antithesis to the "poor" and "meek," namely, in spirit, the humble pious (Mt 5:3). It is at the same time implied that "the earth" will be extraordinarily wicked when He shall come to judge and reign. His reign shall therefore be ushered in with judgments on the apostates (Ps 2:9-12; Lu 18:8; Re 2:27).

      rod of . . . mouth—condemning sentences which proceed from His mouth against the wicked (Re 1:16; 2:16; 19:15, 21).

      breath of . . . lips—his judicial decisions (Isa 30:28; Job 15:30; Re 19:20; 20:9-12). He as the Word of God (Re 19:13-15) comes to strike that blow which shall decide His claim to the kingdom, previously usurped by Satan, and "the beast" to whom Satan delegates his power. It will be a day of judgment to the Gentile dispensation, as the first coming was to the Jews. Compare a type of the "rod" (Nu 17:2-10).

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