Isaiah 22:12

     12. did the Lord God call—Usually the priests gave the summons to national mourning (Joe 1:14); now JEHOVAH Himself shall give it; the "call" shall consist in the presence of a terrible foe. Translate, "shall call."

      baldness—emblem of grief (Job 1:20; Mic 1:16).

Jeremiah 7:29

     29. Jeremiah addresses Jerusalem under the figure of a woman, who, in grief for her lost children, deprives her head of its chief ornament and goes up to the hills to weep (Jud 11:37, 38; Isa 15:2).

      hair—flowing locks, like those of a Nazarite.

      high places—The scene of her idolatries is to be the scene of her mourning (Jer 3:21).

      generation of his wrath—the generation with which He is wroth. So Isa 10:6; "the people of My wrath."

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