Isaiah 24:3

Isaiah 24:5-6

     5. earth—rather, "the land."

      defiled under . . . inhabitants—namely, with innocent blood (Ge 4:11; Nu 35:33; Ps 106:38).

      laws . . . ordinance . . . everlasting covenant—The moral laws, positive statutes, and national covenant designed to be for ever between God and them.

     6. earth—the land.

      burned—namely, with the consuming wrath of heaven: either internally, as in Job 30:30 [ROSENMULLER]; or externally, the prophet has before his eyes the people being consumed with the withering dryness of their doomed land (so Joe 1:10, 12), [MAURER].

Joel 1:2

     2, 3. A spirited introduction calling attention.

      old men—the best judges in question concerning the past (De 32:7; Job 32:7).

      Hath this been, &c.—that is, Hath any so grievous a calamity as this ever been before? No such plague of locusts had been since the ones in Egypt. Ex 10:14 is not at variance with this verse, which refers to Judea, in which Joel says there had been no such devastation before.

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