Isaiah 24:7-8

     7. mourneth—because there are none to drink it [BARNES]. Rather, "is become vapid" [HORSLEY].

      languisheth—because there are none to cultivate it now.

     8. (Re 18:22).

Jeremiah 16:9

     9. (Jer 7:34; 25:10; Eze 26:13).

Revelation of John 18:23

     23. What a blessed contrast is Re 22:5, respecting the city of God: "They need no candle (just as Babylon shall no more have the light of a candle, but for a widely different reason), for the Lord God giveth them light."

      candle—Translate as Greek, "lamp."

      bridegroom . . . bride . . . no more . . . in thee—Contrast the heavenly city, with its Bridegroom, Bride, and blessed marriage supper (Re 19:7, 9; 21:2, 9; Isa 62:4, 5).

      thy merchants were—So most of the best authorities read. But A omits the Greek article before "merchants," and then translates, "The great men of . . . were thy merchants."

      sorceriesGreek, "sorcery."

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