Isaiah 27:1

     1. sore—rather, "hard," "well-tempered."

      leviathan—literally, in Arabic, "the twisted animal," applicable to every great tenant of the waters, sea-serpents, crocodiles, &c. In Eze 29:3; 32:2; Da 7:1, &c. Re 12:3, &c., potentates hostile to Israel are similarly described; antitypically and ultimately Satan is intended (Re 20:10).

      piercing—rigid [LOWTH]. Flying [MAURER and Septuagint]. Long, extended, namely, as the crocodile which cannot readily bend back its body [HOUBIGANT].


      dragonHebrew, tenin; the crocodile.

      sea—the Euphrates, or the expansion of it near Babylon.

Jeremiah 51:36

     36. plead . . . cause— (Jer 50:34).

      sea—the Euphrates (Jer 51:13; Jer 50:38). Compare Isa 19:5, "sea," that is, the Nile (Isa 21:1).

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