Isaiah 42:9

     9. former things—Former predictions of God, which were now fulfilled, are here adduced as proof that they ought to trust in Him alone as God; namely, the predictions as to Israel's restoration from Babylon.

      new—namely, predictions as to Messiah, who is to bring all nations to the worship of Jehovah (Isa 42:1, 4, 6).

      spring forth—The same image from plants just beginning to germinate occurs in Isa 43:19; 58:8. Before there is the slightest indication to enable a sagacious observer to infer the coming event, God foretells it.

Isaiah 46:10

     10. (Isa 45:21; 41:22, 23; 44:26).

      yet—not in the Hebrew. Translate, "What had not been done" [HORSLEY].

      do all my pleasure— (Isa 53:10; Ro 9:19).

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