Isaiah 46:11

     11. ravenous bird—Cyrus so called on account of the rapidity of his marches from the distant regions of Persia to pounce on his prey (see on Isa 41:2; Isa 41:25; Jer 49:22; Eze 17:3). The standard of Cyrus, too, was a golden eagle on a spear (see the heathen historian, XENOPHON, 7, where almost the same word is used, aetos, as here, ayit).

      executeth my counsel— (Isa 44:28; 45:13). Babylon represents, mystically, the apostate faction: the destruction of its idols symbolizes the future general extirpation of all idolatry and unbelief.

      purposed . . . also do it— (Isa 43:13).

Isaiah 48:15

     15. brought—led him on his way.

      he—change from the first to the third person [BARNES]. Jehovah shall make his (Cyrus') way prosperous.

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