Isaiah 47:9

     9. in a moment—It should not decay slowly, but be suddenly and unexpectedly destroyed; in a single night it was taken by Cyrus. The prophecy was again literally fulfilled when Babylon revolted against Darius; and, in order to hold out to the last, each man chose one woman of his family, and strangled the rest, to save provisions. Darius impaled three thousand of the revolters.

      in . . . perfection—that is, "in full measure."

      for . . . for—rather, "notwithstanding the . . . notwithstanding"; "in spite of" [LOWTH]. So "for" (Nu 14:11). Babylon was famous for "expiations or sacrifices, and other incantations, whereby they tried to avert evil and obtain good" [DIODORUS SICULUS].

Isaiah 47:12

     12. Stand—forth: a scornful challenge to Babylon's magicians to show whether they can defend their city.

      laboured—The devil's service is a laborious yet fruitless one (Isa 55:2).

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