Isaiah 5:11

     11. Second Woe—against intemperance.

      early—when it was regarded especially shameful to drink (Ac 2:15; 1Th 5:7). Banquets for revelry began earlier than usual (Ec 10:16, 17).

      strong drinkHebrew, sichar, implying intoxication.

      continue—drinking all day till evening.

Isaiah 5:22

     22, 23. Sixth Woe—against corrupt judges, who, "mighty" in drinking "wine" (a boast still not uncommon), if not in defending their country, obtain the means of self-indulgence by taking bribes ("reward"). The two verses are closely joined [MAURER].

      mingle strong drink—not with water, but spices to make it intoxicating (Pr 9:2, 5; So 8:2).

      take away the righteousness—set aside the just claims of those having a righteous cause.

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