Isaiah 50:10

     10. Messiah exhorts the godly after His example (Isa 49:4, 5; 42:4) when in circumstances of trial ("darkness," Isa 47:5), to trust in the arm of Jehovah alone.

      Who is, &c.—that is, Whosoever (Jud 7:3).

      obeyeth . . . servant—namely, Messiah. The godly "honor the Son, even as they honor the Father" (Joh 5:23).

      darkness— (Mic 7:8, 9). God never had a son who was not sometimes in the dark. For even Christ, His only Son, cried out, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

      light—rather, "splendor"; bright sunshine; for the servant of God is never wholly without "light" [VITRINGA]. A godly man's way may be dark, but his end shall be peace and light. A wicked man's way may be bright, but his end shall be utter darkness (Ps 112:4; 97:11; 37:24).

      let him trust in the name of the Lord—as Messiah did (Isa 50:8, 9).

Isaiah 54:8

     8. In a little wrath—rather, "In the overflowing of wrath"; as Pr 27:4, Margin, [GESENIUS]. The wrath, though but "for a moment," was overflowing while it lasted.

      hid . . . face— (Isa 8:17; Ps 30:7).

      everlasting—in contrast to "for a moment."

Habakkuk 2:3

     3. for—assigning the cause why it ought to be committed to writing: because its fulfilment belongs to the future.

      the vision is yet for an appointed time— (Da 10:14; 11:27, 35). Though the time appointed by God for the fulfilment be yet future, it should be enough for your faith that God hath spoken it (La 3:26).

      at the end it shall speak—MAURER translates, "it pants for the end." But the antithesis between, "it shall speak," and "not be silent," makes English Version the better rendering. So the Hebrew is translated in Pr 12:17. Literally, "breathe out words," "break forth as a blast."

      though it tarry, wait for it— (Ge 49:18).

Luke 2:25

     25. just—upright in his moral character.

      devout—of a religious frame of spirit.

      waiting for the consolation of Israel—a beautiful title of the coming Messiah, here intended.

      the Holy Ghost was—supernaturally.

      upon him—Thus was the Spirit, after a dreary absence of nearly four hundred years, returning to the Church, to quicken expectation, and prepare for coming events.

Luke 2:38

     38. coming in—"presenting herself." She had been there already but now is found "standing by," as Simeon's testimony to the blessed Babe died away, ready to take it up "in turn" (as the word rendered "likewise" here means).

      to all them, &c.—the sense is, "to all them in Jerusalem that were looking for redemption"—saying in effect, In that Babe are wrapt up all your expectations. If this was at the hour of prayer, when numbers flocked to the temple, it would account for her having such an audience as the words imply [ALFORD].

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