Isaiah 51:17-22

     17. Awake, awake, stand up, O Jerusalem, &c.— (Isa 52:1).

      drunk—Jehovah's wrath is compared to an intoxicating draught because it confounds the sufferer under it, and makes him fall (Job 21:20; Ps 60:3; 75:8; Jer 25:15, 16; 49:12; Zec 12:2; Re 14:10); ("poured out without mixture"; rather, "the pure wine juice mixed with intoxicating drugs").

      of trembling—which produced trembling or intoxication.

      wrung . . . out—drained the last drop out; the dregs were the sediments from various substances, as honey, dates, and drugs, put into the wine to increase the strength and sweetness.

     18. Following up the image in Isa 51:17, intoxicated and confused by the cup of God's anger, she has none to guide her in her helpless state; she has not yet awakened out of the sleep caused by that draught. This cannot apply to the Babylonish captivity; for in it they had Ezekiel and Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, as "guides," and soon awoke out of that sleep; but it applies to the Jews now, and will be still more applicable in their coming oppression by Antichrist.

     19. two—classes of evils, for he enumerates four, namely, desolation and destruction to the land and state; famine and the sword to the people.

      who shall be sorry for thee—so as to give thee effectual relief: as the parallel clause, "By whom shall I comfort thee?" shows (La 2:11-13).

     20. head of all . . . streets— (La 2:19; 4:1).

      wild bull—rather, "oryx" [JEROME], or gazelle [GESENIUS], or wild goat [BOCHART]; commonly in the East taken in a net, of a wide sweep, into which the beasts were hunted together. The streets of cities in the East often have gates, which are closed at night; a person wishing to escape would be stopped by them and caught, as a wild animal in a net.

     21. drunken . . . not with wine— (Isa 29:9; compare Isa 51:17, 20, here; La 3:15).

     22. pleadeth . . . cause— (Ps 35:1; Jer 50:34; Mic 7:9).

      no more drink it— (Isa 54:7-9). This cannot apply to Israel after the return from Babylon, but only to them after their final restoration.

Lamentations 4:21

     21. Rejoice—at our calamities (Ps 137:7). This is a prophecy that Edom should exult over the fall of Jerusalem. At the same time it is implied, Edom's joy shall be short-lived. Ironically she is told, Rejoice while thou mayest (Ec 11:9).

      cup—for this image of the confounding effects of God's wrath, see Jer 13:12; 25:15, 16, 21; as to Edom, Jer 49:7-22.


Revelation of John 16:19

     19. the great city—the capital and seat of the apostate Church, spiritual Babylon (of which Rome is the representative, if one literal city be meant). The city in Re 11:8 (see on Re 11:8), is probably distinct, namely, Jerusalem under Antichrist (the beast, who is distinct from the harlot or apostate Church). In Re 11:13 only a tenth of Jerusalem falls whereas here the city (Babylon) "became (Greek) into three parts" by the earthquake.

      cities of the nations—other great cities in league with spiritual Babylon.

      great . . . came in remembranceGreek, "Babylon the great was remembered" (Re 18:5). It is now that the last call to escape from Babylon is given to God's people in her (Re 18:4).

      fierceness—the boiling over outburst of His wrath (Greek, "thumou orgees"), compare Note, see on Re 14:10.

Revelation of John 18:6

     6. Addressed to the executioners of God's wrath.

      RewardGreek, "repay."

      she rewardedEnglish Version reading adds "you" with none of the oldest manuscripts. But A, B, C, Vulgate, Syriac, and Coptic omit it. She had not rewarded or repaid the world power for some injury which the world power had inflicted on her; but she had given the world power that which was its due, namely, spiritual delusions, because it did not like to retain God in its knowledge; the unfaithful Church's principle was, "Populus vult decipi, et decipiatur." "The people like to be deceived, and let them be deceived."

      double—of sorrow. Contrast with this the double of joy which Jerusalem shall receive for her past suffering (Isa 61:7; Zec 9:12); even as she has received double punishment for her sins (Isa 40:2).

      unto her—So Syriac, Coptic, and ANDREAS. A, B, and C omit it.

      in the cup— (Re 18:3; Re 14:8; 17:4).

      filled—literally "mixed."

      fill to her double—of the Lord's cup of wrath.

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